Our first night was at the Santiago Sheraton

We saw the sights of the city

We saw the sights of the city

We saw the sights of the city

We saw the sights of the city

We saw the sights of the city

And admired the panorama from San Christobal

Deborah shows off her Antarctic footwear and Romeo and Julliette toes

Rugged peaks loom out of the mist in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego

Rugged peaks loom out of the mist in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego

We are treated to a Gaucho show prior to boading the expedition vessel

We are treated to a Gaucho show prior to boading the expedition vessel

The Explorer II in the Ushaia harbor

The Explorer II in the Ushaia harbor

Lush with lupins, Ushuaia is surrounded by snow-capped mountains

View from our stateroom before disembarkation

Early Antarctic expeditions traveled in ships like this

Gray skies and rough seas follow us to the Falklands

Gray skies and rough seas follow us to the Falklands (1.4 MB)

The whalebone arch in Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

The whalebone arch in Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

The church behind the whalebone arch

Southern geese on the Port Stanley shore

King penguins in the distance

Explorer II approaches a tanker for refueling outside the Port Stanley harbor on one side of the ship...

...while excursion-goers return via Zodiacs on the other side
