Morning brings us a beautiful last day in Antarctica

Morning brings us another beautiful day in Antarctica

Deborah boards a zodiac for Mikkelson Harbor

Whale bones are all that is left of Mikkelson's history as a whaling station

Along with the preserved remains of a water boat

Inspection of the bones revealed that this leviathan might have been an endangered blue whale, the largest of the animals.

Molting gentoos littered the beach of this Trinity Island harbor

Molting gentoos littered the beach of this Trinity Island harbor

Molting gentoos littered the beach of this Trinity Island harbor

The intrepid explorer puts her best foot forward

A weddel seal rests its head on a clump of ice

Just after this picture was taken, Russ of the Antarctic (left) took a real polar plunge and swam out to retrieve a drifting zodiac (and all the girls swooned)